Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Development Control Committee, Monday 23rd July 2018 10.00 am (Item 8.)


Ms C Kelham, Planning Graduate, presented the application which sought agreement for various operational developments.


Ms Kelham highlighted the following points:


  • An amendment to the published report had been made.  In the summary recommendation, the application reference was incorrect. It should have read CM/0006/18. The correction would be made on the report which would be uploaded to the document portal for future clarity.
  • Since the publication of the report, comments from the AVDC Environmental Health Officer had been received. Ms Kelham provided a written summary of these to Committee Members. Ms Kelham stated that although additional noise information was required she did not consider the noise impact of the development on amenity as a reason for refusal.


Public Speaking


Mr Hoy, agent for the applicant attended the Committee and spoke in support of the application.  Mr Hoy’s main points had been circulated to Committee Members prior to the meeting and are appended to the minutes.  Mr Hoy raised the following key points:


  • The waste transfer site was only operating at half its current capacity.  Achieving full capacity would be in line with the County Council targets.
  • The main reason for officers recommending refusal was due to the suggested parameter walls.
  • Mr Hoy confirmed that it had been demonstrated that the proposed development did not cause significant and detrimental harm to wildlife and that an appropriate assessment was not necessary or material to the ongoing operation of the site or the determination of the application.


Members of the Committee raised and discussed the following points:


  • The issue of the perimeter walls were discussed and Ms Kelham advised Members that if made into a solid wall this would block a commuting route between the pond and the railway.
  • A Member of the Committee raised the lighting plan submitted and how the applicant would ensure there would be no light spill from the site.  Mr Hoy responded by saying that the applicant had provided drawings and Ms Kelham stated that the principle of lighting had been accepted in previous applications for the site but no details had been submitted. For this application Officers recommended further details on lighting could be sought through a condition.
  • The Committee discussed the probability of Great Crested Newts existing on the site and the impact this should have on their decision.




Summary Recommendation:


The Development Control Committee is invited to REFUSE application no. CM/0006/18 for the reasons set out in the report.


Summary Recommendation:

The Development Control Committee is invited to REFUSE application no. CM/0006/18 for the reasons set out in the report.









RESOLVED: The Officer recommendation was rejected.


Mr Reed proposed that consent was granted as Members did not feel the environmental concerns expressed in the report were valid and the site was in full operation and would continue to be in operation.  Mrs Gibbs seconded the proposal and the following vote was recorded.









RESOLVED: All Members of the Committee AGREED planning consent and delegated the approval of conditions to officers.


Supporting documents: